Own label spirits have proven to be an excellent product for retailers, it can add a line which is unique to their establishment, with good margin. Own label whisky appeals to visitors from abroad, the globally popular Scotch whisky is a draw especially when combined with the branding of a place visited.
Hotels Golf Clubs
Own label spirits are popular for well-known Hotels and Golf Clubs to be used for the pouring whisky in the bar or as gift for guests and visitors, a momento of the visit.
The Armed Forces
Own label whisky and gin have been a popular choice for RAF Squadrons to commemorate significant dates, anniversaries as well as the decommissioning of aircraft. Own label whisky has also been well received for regimental bottlings, or as commemorative bottles to celebrate the lives of fellow servicemen. We’d be delighted to send more information about what Own Label Company can provide, or better still have an opportunity to meet and discuss your requirements. Please get in contact with us.